Tuesday, August 28, 2018

So, over the past few weeks (maybe even months) I've been trying to figure out a great way to start off this blog.  I've never done anything like this before and don't really have any clue as to where to start.  I was so excited to create the page and get it started I failed to realize how difficult it may be to find things to say.  After all the time and thought my wife ended up coming up with what I felt is a great place to start.  One night while thinking about where to begin I asked her if she had any ideas on how to get started.  Without hesitation she replied, "Just do an introduction.  People don't want to follow someone they don't know anything about."  I guess I hadn't really thought about it that way!  As simple as getting to know someone can be, it really is the most important thing you can do to build a good relationship with someone.  So here goes!

I grew up in the Salt Lake valley in a town called Cottonwood Heights.  Being the oldest of 5 with close to 8 years between myself and my next sibling I enjoyed a long run of life as an only child.  Growing up I quickly developed a very strong bond with the game of Baseball, which is still in place today.  I played pretty much all year long, which is a tall task in the winter months when you grow up less than a 20 minute drive from some of the best known ski resorts in the world.  I was fortunate to have amazing coaches and facilities to help me chase my dream of playing in the Majors.  I was on countless teams, played in countless tournaments, won a Utah state championship, and I even still play in a men's league now.  I still love it as much as I ever have, even though it takes me 2 to 3 weeks to not be sore instead of a day or two like when I was young.  I follow the Red Sox religiously and love that modern technology allows me the ability to keep up on things with my phone.  I don't think the pager I wanted so badly in high school would've given me that freedom! 

Following high school I spent a few years working and goofing off with friends.  I have been incredibly blessed to have a group of friends who I am still just as close to as I was 25 years ago.  Although a lot of our conversations have evolved from which movie we were going to see or what house we wanted to toilet paper that weekend to how our kids are doing or what's new with the house remodel, the bonds and camaraderie have never changed.  During these years of fun many of these friends were pivotal in supporting me as I began training for and pursuing a career as a firefighter.  I was able to complete the necessary schooling and began testing for jobs and was eventually hired by the Sandy City Fire Department.  Time has flown by and I can't believe I've been there for nearly 11 years now.  My career as a firefighter has led me to some amazing experiences and I have been able to add even more friends to my list of life longers.  This is also where I met my wife. 

Stacie and I met and began dating as she was in her schooling to get hired by a full time fire department as well.  She was able to get hired by Sandy as well so we both work for the same department, just working different platoons.  She also brought a daughter with her, London.  London had just turned 2 when we started dating and I couldn't help but fall for them both.  Shortly after Stacie and I started dating, she and I took our first trip to Disneyland together.  On our first date she had expressed to me her total disdain for the Magic Kingdom and vowed she would never go back.  Somehow my good nature overpowered my want to immediately push her out of the truck as we rolled down the freeway and I was able to compose myself.  That first trip together without kids was one of the best ever and since then she has grown to love what Disney brings to the table as well.  This trip I was able to take one of my favorite photos of her of all time.  I even proposed to her in front of the Disneyland fire station with the help of the Hook and Ladder Band and our London. 

So as we combined our lives and brought our family into existence we added another little one to the ranks.  Kayden was born and our family was complete.  She definitely takes after me, London after Stacie.  Kayden being goofy and sensitive, London being very calculated and independent. 

Currently Stacie and I both continue to work for the Sandy City Fire Department.  I took the travel planning program at the community college and through an assignment for that class fell into a job opportunity with Mouseketrips.  That job is the main motivation for this blog, actually.  Stacie is now knee deep and rocking through her master's in accounting program.  When we have a minute off I'm typically riding one of my bikes and Stacie is out in a garden somewhere.  The kids can be found right by our side.

So, this was a lot longer than I intended.  I hope you feel like maybe you know me a little bit better now.  I still don't know where this blog will lead but I can guarantee that you will get a whole lot of Disney here!  I didn't talk too much about my relationship with Disney yet just due to the fact that it will be at the forefront of my future posts.  Please feel free to reach out and let me know what you think!  I'd love to share thoughts or stories about anything and everything you may want to hear about!  I look forward to sharing more as time goes on, and, like the title of the blog says, I hope you find my stories fun, informative, and entertaining!  Thanks for checking it out!

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